Separating Myth and History:
An Israeli Perspective on Hanukah
Translated from the Hebrew by HILIT SUROWITZ
Hanukah is historically a minor celebration on the Jewish
calendar. Its significance increased due to the variations of secular and
religious customs and stories associated with it throughout history. Over the
centuries, Jews have fashioned the holiday so that its meaning and celebration
reflect the values and needs of the community. Hanukah, originally a
celebration of the victory of the Macabbees over the Seleucid King, has become
a celebration of the ideals of sovereignty, independence, religious freedom
and, most recently, coexistence.
The initial events connected to Hanukah took place when the land of Israel was
under Seleucid rule and was influenced by Hellenistic-Greek culture. The
Hanukah story explains that the Seleucid King Antiochus IV plotted against
Jewish religious practice, wasted the Temple’s treasury, and forbade Jewish
sacrifice. In response to the King’s decrees, the Jewish zealot Mattathius, and
his sons, led a revolt. Leading them was Judah, soon to be known as Judah
Maccabee. In a string of battles fought over three years Judah defeated
Antiochus’ army, and in the year 164 he succeeded in liberating Jerusalem from
foreign rule and purifying the Temple. The day on which Hanukah is celebrated
marks Judah’s dedication of the alter and the renewal of Temple sacrifice.
The story and celebration of the miracle of oil is a much later construction,
added at least two centuries later. According to the story from Hasmoneans,
when Judah went to liberate and purify the Temple there was a sole canister of
oil which remained that could only provide light for one day. But a miracle
occurred and the oil (and light) lasted for eight days—thus the eight-day
celebration of Hanukah. Though rabbis created this legend later, the
nationalistic aspects of the Maccabean victory were historically celebrated.
These secular facets of the holiday focus on the Maccabean victory, which
symbolizes the victory of the oppressed minority over the ruling majority, and
the return of independence to the land of Israel. Whereas the religious story
narrates these events as a result of divine miracles, the nationalistic
perspective attributes this to the heroism of humans. It is through this
narrative of human valor that Hanukah gained importance throughout history. For
example, during the Middle Ages in Europe, as a result of the persecution of
Jews, the importance of Hanukah was amplified. Hanukah became a symbol and a
celebration of resistance to foreign rule and the forced conversion of Jews.
Naturally, the awakening of nineteenth century nationalistic movements,
specifically Zionism, turned the focus of Hanukah to the ethos of the Maccabees
as freedom fighters. In this presentation of the holiday, the rabbinic
perspective of divine miracles was muted. Hanukah took on special significance
in the early days of the Yishuv, an early Zionist settlement in Palestine
where, in 1889, the holiday was first celebrated in Yishuv schools, and over
the next two decades readings were added to the traditional holiday
candle-lighting ceremonies. In 1906, the new city of Tel Aviv celebrated a
large-scale Hanukah party.
These days, Hanukah is recognized by its candle-lighting ceremony, holiday
games, and communal celebrations—these traditions all developed over the
centuries following the Maccabean victory. The origins of the ritual of
lighting Hanukah candles remain a mystery. Some scholars connect it to the fire
holidays celebrated by various people of the region during this time of year,
wherein the shortest day of the year, December 22nd, takes place. Many people
of antiquity, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, and Romans, had the
custom of lighting fire in order to aid forces of light to drive away the
forces of darkness. Today, a single candle is lit on the “Hanukkiah” (the
candelabra used specifically for Hanukah) on the first evening of the holiday;
each subsequent eve, a candle is added until at the end of the holiday there
are eight candles lit. Accompanying the candle lighting are the playing of
games and singing songs.
The contemporary celebrations of Hanukah are part of a legacy of holiday
traditions, which celebrate the Maccabess, their revolt, and later, the sage’s
story of the miracle of oil. Hanukah continues to develop and transform in
response to Jewish culture and needs. In some countries, such as the United
States, Hanukah has taken on greater importance as it provides a parallel
winter celebration to Christmas. In other communities, Hanukah is celebrated
during the winter holiday period giving hope for peace and coexistence. For
example, beginning in the 1990s, the city of Haifa began holding an annual
festival recognizing Hanukah, Christmas, and Ramadan during the final week of
December. This festival, called “The Holiday of Holidays,” celebrates unity and
the diversity of the community by bringing together the city’s three major
religious groups and its secular community to rejoice.
Though Hanukah is one of the few Jewish holidays not mentioned in the Bible,
today it is one of Judaism’s most recognized festivals. Its messages of
liberty, freedom, and independence have allowed the holiday to find vibrant
expression and innovation in every age.
“Separating Myth and
History: An Israeli perspective on Hanukah” was adapted from the Hanukah entry
by Yoram Meltzer in New
Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age—An Encyclopedic View; in 5 volumes; Editor in Chief: Yirmiyahu
Yovel; Initiator, director, and, editor: Yair Tzaban; General Editor: David
Shaham. Keter Publishing House, Israel—2007. Prepared by Lamda—Association for
Modern Jewish Culture with the participation of the Jerusalem Spinoza Institute; Financed mainly by The Posen
Foundation and supported also by The Keshet Foundation, The Ministry for
Science Culture & Sport, The Rabinovitch Foundation Tel Aviv, The National
Lottery. The English-language version of New Jewish Time is underway; a Russian version is planned.